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Accurate v4.2

Harga Rp. 200.000
Deskripsi singkat Kode Produk : AC4
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ACCURATE Enterprise Edition Ver. 4 mengalami lebih dari 100 perubahan, baik penambahan fitur baru maupun penyempurnaan dari yang sudah ada sebelumnya. Buat yang sudah request Accurate Accounting Enterprise v4.2.13.1385 Full Keygen, silahkan langsung di cek.. What’ s new in Accurate Accounting Enterprise v4 ? Several changes and improvements are most important include: Module manufacturing with Supply Chain Management function better. Recurring transactions are now made easier because of a recurring transaction can be stored so it does not need to re-input and comes with a reminder. A more comprehensive budgeting module. Background page that is integrated with a web-based customer support and material knowlegebase CPSSoft online so much easier if there are users who require assistance. Analysis reports can be customized and can be displayed in a graph or table that is easy to read. Can open the database remotely via the Internet ( leased line). PayGlobalOne.com integrated with payment gateway to accept payment and ease comes with Push Notification ( coming soon) . Graph of financial statements can be accessed via tablet or smartphone ( coming soon). Compared to other similar applications, ACCURATE Version 4 Enterprise Edition has an advantage

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Barang Sudah nyampe dengan selamat gan dan barangnya OK. mantab buat agan yg satu ini !.

Barang OKE banget, pelayanan cepat dan fast respone !.